Ask anyone what acne is and you'll likely be told it is something you get on the face. Now ask what is "involved" with acne, and you'll likely hear it includes, pimples, spots, boils, cysts, white-heads and blackheads. While this is partly right, acne is not restricted to the face alone, it can occur on the neck, chest, shoulders, upper arms and back. As for pimples, spots, boils, cysts, white-heads and blackheads - that about sums it up!
Acne is a harmless disease that involves the oil glands of the skin, nonetheless, a serious episode of acne can leave ugly scars. As of yet no particular cause is highlighted why acne happens, however, rising androgen levels is a popular one and of which commonly affects adolescents. Increasing androgen levels make oil glands beneath the skin grow; the enlarged gland creates more oil. An overload of sebum can break down cellular walls in the pores allowing bacteria to breed. Some experts agree, susceptibility to acne is genetic, while medications containing androgen and lithium being another cause. Other, are oily cosmetics and hormone changes during pregnancy.
Pimple Types: White-heads (small and stay beneath the skin.) Blackheads (appear on the skin's surface.) Papules (small bumps, usually pink.) Pustules (normally they are red at the base with pus filled heads.) Nobules (large hard pimples, sometimes sore and embedded deep in the skin.) Cysts (filled with pus, often painful.)
Skin tips to help prevent and treat acne
1. Is it bad for skin regardless of acne or not to wash more than necessary? With constant scrubbing you run risk of taking heads off pimples and infection. It is not good to wash often without cause, and neither is it good to use cleaning agents and cosmetics not made for your skin type. This can further trouble the skin, bringing more spots, oil and irritation.
2. Don't shock the skin with boiling hot or freezing cold water. Warm water is a safer option along with soap specially created for treating acne.
3. Everyone knows not to squeeze pimples, and yet most people do. Resist the urge to squeeze if you're to prevent inflamed red skin and scarring. Another reason not to burst boils or pimples, other than infection... what if it's neither! Fingernails are the worst offenders for tearing skin. Don't chance making the acne worse, because torn skin is an open invitation to infection.
4. Use antiseptic wipes to clean things you touch. For example: Telephone, comb and glasses etc.' But I'm clean, this is absurd,' oh no it's not! How many times throughout the day after coming in contact with pimples, do you then use these things without washing your hands... exactly! It is very possible that sebum and skin residue remain on them. A couple of seconds is all it takes to wipe them clean to remove grime.
5. Skin needs to breathe. If the body is covered in acne wear loose garments. Headbands, caps and scarves are best left out of the wardrobe. If they're something you need to wear, make sure they are washed regular.
6. Never go to bed without removing makeup. Choose nonceomedogenic or nonacnegenic products. Oily products clog pores, so a no go.
7. Choose a hairstyle that sweeps the hair off the face. Hair collects sebum and skin residue.
8. Too much sun can cause skin to produce more sebum. Protect skin accordingly.
9. Vitamins A, C and E, zinc, and plenty of water helps maintain healthy skin.
10. Medicated ointments containing benzoyl peroxide work well on mild acne, this is because the antibacterial and skin peeling actions take levels of bacteria down and unblock pores.
11. Medication containing active ingredients, such as benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, and adabalene is likely to come prescribed from a dermatologist for treating badly infected skin. Depending on severity, other treatments are oral or topical antibiotics (erythromyocin and tetracycline) that fight growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation.
12. Pimples not responding to simple treatments, see a doctor for antibiotics.
If you can't help picking spots and squeezing blackheads, knowing full well the outcome if it goes wrong - at least protect the skin the best you can throughout the process.
Wash hands first. Don't use too much pressure to squeeze blackheads to unblock sebaceous glands. Exert pressure and you risk scarring. Control the aggressive need to be rid of the pimple, because if you puncture the skin through force, you now have an open wound rather than a mere nick in the skin.
Pimple On ArmsWhat other men and women effectively use to be rid of acne in days, may well work for you!